Pink Cell Phones – Great Birthday Gifts

Pink cell phones make great birthday gifts. If you have a teenage daughter you cannot go wrong purchasing her one of the great pink phones that are available in the market place. That said you should always be careful to take your daughters preferences into account when choosing a gift for.

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Different girls like different types of phones. Some like slider phones, which are one of the newest and easiest to use form factor of phone on the market. The best thing about this type of phone is that they combine both a full-size QWERTY keyboard and a full-size screen in the one device.

Many times the screen is even a touchscreen, allowing data to be entered as of the phone in two different methods. This makes this type of pink phone a great option if you aren’t sure about what type of keyboard your daughter prefers.

As well as the style of the phone, the operating system can be somewhat important. Some teenagers swear by Apple, and will not be happy with anything but an iPhone of some description. Pink phones are somewhat limited in this group, but there are plenty of pink cell phone accessories available to spruce up the appearance of an iPhone and make it more stylish.

If your daughter just wants a smart phone, but is not enamored with Apple, then there are many great new android phones on the market. HTC and Samsung both offer a good collection of phones using the android operating system and many of these rival the iPhone – or even exceed – in functionality.

Regardless of the taste of your daughter, purchasing her one of these great pink cell phones as a gift is sure to go over well. It is a lot easier than trying to figure out what type of clothes she would like as a present.

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