Christmas Gift Ideas for the Beginner Chef – For any Budget

Christmas is sneaking up on us, once again. It’s that time when we need to start thinking about gifts for everyone on our list. The best way to come up with a good list is to know the hobbies of the people you are buying for.

If anyone on your list loves to cook or bake, then you have chosen the right article to read. I have plenty of great ideas for the gourmet chef in your life, and the list covers a range of budgets.

English: Chanterelles being fried in a frying ...

Image via Wikipedia

For the Larger Budget

We all have someone on our list that we spend a little more on, than we do everyone else, like a spouse or parent. Or, quite possibly, you are going in together with others, allowing for a higher budget to spend.

Some of these higher ticketed items are highly sought after by any cook, but not always purchased, due to their own budget.

Most every good cook, or baker, has most likely looked at Dutch ovens, Cuisinart food processors, or cast-iron skillets. These are well known, and well liked items for the kitchen, for a reason. They work well when creating great dishes and treats.

These are items that, even though might be higher in cost, are used often by cooks and bakers and are very practical. I use my Dutch oven weekly and consider it to be one of my smartest investments for the kitchen. It’s a heavy pot that can withstand the heat of the stovetop, as well as in the oven.

Food processors will do more work for a chef such as chop, slice, grate, or blend, than any other tool in the kitchen, and is good for both cooks and bakers alike. Another great investment.

Middle of the Road Budgets

Items such as a blender, coffee maker, and various pieces of serve ware can fall into the mid range budget. Of course, each one of these could also fall into the higher end as well, depending on the manufacturer and style.

A vacuum sealer for marinating meats is also a great tool for a chef. This seals up the flavors into the meat, and is a quicker method than simply soaking in a container.

Slow cookers are a great addition to any kitchen. I use mine to make soups, chili, and various other dishes that I want the flavors to meld together all day. There now are even great recipes, which have been cooked in ovens for decades, such as lasagna or burritos.

Don’t Forget the Smaller Budgets

These are some of the best items, because you can give them on their own, or use them as fillers in a gift basket, allowing for a versatile budget. Some of these items include:

·         Set of Ramekins
·         Wooden Spoons
·         Gourmet Ingredients
·         Exotic Spices
·         Corkscrew

Other items that can easily stand alone as their own gift, such as an immersion blender, are a welcome addition to chef’s collection of tools. My immersion blender has been used often. For example, I use it to blend soup bases, mash potatoes, or make smoothies.

Gifts that Could Fall Under any Budget

Some items can easily fall into all budgets, such as a frying pan or a toaster, all depending on how many bells and whistles are on it.  So, if someone on your Christmas list gives you the idea of a frying pan, and your budget is higher than the average pan, you have a couple good options.

The first option is to splurge to get them a really nice frying pan. Another option would be to get them a mid range frying pan, but wrap it up with various seasonings, utensils, and a meat thermometer.

Wrapping it Up

Whatever your budget is, there are plenty of great ideas for anyone on your list that loves to cook. I like to take a couple extra steps in wrapping the gift.

Plastic utensils (which are excellent for non-stick surfaces), pot holders, a recipe, or any other small item would be a great replacement for a big bow, and practical. They can be used over and over again, and will be more appreciated than the bow by most cooks and bakers.

I hope I have been able to give you some ideas, for any budget.

Merry Christmas to all!


Melissa Cameron is a freelance writer, living in Texas with her husband and their 2 small children. She often writes on topics that has helped their household, and likes to share them with others, such as parenting, couponing, and living on a budget.

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